El alumnado de 1º, 2º y 4º de ESO del IES Cristóbal Pérez Pastor de Tobarra han presentado un artículo para el concurso Jóvenes Reporteros por el medio ambiente en la modalidad Litter Less Campaign, realizando fotos de los alrededores y entrevistas a diferentes representantes del ayuntamiento de Tobarra y otras localidades cercanas. Os dejamos el texto para que podáis conocer mejor el trabajo que han realizado.
Today we have invited the councilor for the environment of Tobarra; is dedicated to improving the planet and raising awareness to take care of the planet.
- How can you reduce the amount of food waste?
– Efficiently buying food, that is, having a balanced diet controlled and strictly buying what is consumed.
Take advantage of 100% all food, being able to make recipes with any food product left over from another meal.
- Do you think that the main culprit for the damage to the planet is the human being? Why?
– It is the main factor. Now, thanks to the pandemic and last year’s confinement, we have seen the result of nature, which was in us, and is asking us for its space. Humans have invaded the space of animals a lot, along with pollution, tons of untreated waste, affects everything.
- Do you think we are suffering the consequences of our actions? How?
– Unconsciously, and consciously. The appearance of diseases caused by the food treated, the quality of the air we breathe, the sudden appearance of pests in the plants at different times of the year (such as the processionary caterpillar, the wasp in the almond tree), and here in Tobarra, We have the plague of the “Arizona cactus” on Mount Calvario, it is an invasive plant, and it is practically impossible to eradicate it, to control it, but not to eradicate it.
- What do you think about people throwing garbage on the beaches, oceans, streets, etc.?
– I believe that they are unconscious people and that they do not value their life, nor that of their family. Since everything has consequences.
- What do you think we should do to pollute less?
– Recycle, reuse any utensil/device to the maximum. Use mobility alternatives, walk more.
- Why is it important to take care of the environment?
Because it is where we live, everything affects our way and quality of life.
- What do you think would happen if the trees were destroyed?
– I think it would be the end of the planet.
- How can we take care of the water?
– Using what is necessary, being efficient with it. There are many daily gestures that we do not realize. For example, while we brush our teeth, not having the tap open all the time, to shower, the toilet cistern, which now many have double buttons, etc … in the day to day, we have habits that by correcting them to a more efficient use we can better conserve water.
- What do you think about deforestation?
– I understand that there are areas/towns, in which the only way of life is deforestation, and deforestation controlled and under the rules, is correct. But a deforestation “in bulk” without any type of control, and under the gaze of large companies to obtain a greater productive yield, I see it as an aberration to the environment.
- How can we reduce plastic pollution?
– Recycling everything that is possible, reusing everything necessary and buying the fewer products that have plastic wrap.
- Can you make art with discarded materials? Would you like to try it?
– Of course you can make art, this year, a course has been offered at the Popular University of Tobarra, for Recycling Workshop, which did not go ahead because there were no enrollments, in the summer workshops with the little ones, they are always carried out activities and games with recycled materials.
I would like it to be more visible.
- Do you think that the current generation is less aware than the previous one? Give us 5 reasons.
Yes, it is less conscious, and many generations more.
- More consumers.
- Not aware of the environment or environment, or of the damages.
- More selfish.
- Ignorance of the rules.
- Do not value.
- What happens if the ozone layer disappears?
– The ozone layer is the protective shield of the planet, if it disappears, we would all disappear.
- Do you think that climate change is a consequence of the environment?
– I think that climate change is the indicator that nature is giving us so that we can stop the standard of living that we lead.
If we ignore it, it will affect everything, and little by little the planet will turn off that light it gives us.
- If you had the opportunity to participate in an activity to reduce pollution in the town where you live, would you do it? How?
– Of course I would participate; I would contact the organizers and offer my help and my experience.
- Do you think the town is too clean? Would it be necessary to put something else? If yes, what?
– It is never clean enough if all citizens do not collaborate. The means are at our disposal, but I think a lot of awareness is lacking.
Various food plastics can be seen. Photograph taken in Tobarra, Albacete. Made by Berta Cavas Gómez 1ºB.
Some of the solutions that we think are necessary to improve the environmental situation in our town can be: put more recycling bins near the places everyone visit or near the houses some of them are so far, maybe it could be necessary to put some posters to raise awareness people to recycle more and perhaps do a campaign about all the bad things that we do but no recycling.
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